Chris Carr & Company

Chris Carr & Company

Get to know Chris and Sam - Mornings from 5am-10am on 102.1-K102! Full Bio


I Need Your Help! Fight For Air Climb Is This Weekend

Last year I had the honor of helping host an event called: FIGHT FOR AIR CLIMB.

31 Floors {{680 Stairs}}

I NEED YOUR HELP -- Last year I had the greatest team member DALE race up the stairs with me. Both of us -littles- are under 6 feet tall so our legs had to stretch, our hearts had to pump more than any other workout and you better believe we had to celebrate in victory at the top!

We celebrated ourselves for our accomplishment and celebrated our efforts in helping The American Lung Association.

This year Dale's Doctor told him {}. His legs won't be climbing but that won't stop him from cheering from the sidelines. A True Champ In My Eyes.

So I NEED YOU to join my team...

YES...I am asking for a donations but the money goes to +HEROES+

I can't do this without you.

Kia and Dale

When you participate in a Fight For Air Climb event, you are stepping up to make a positive impact for those affected by lung disease. Funds YOU raise support the American Lung Association's mission while climbing the stairs of a skyscraper- This year is it BACK at U.S. Bank Plaza.

The stairs are the same but the cause we are fundraising for has an even bigger place in my heart.

Firefighters from all over Minnesota climb in honor of fallen brothers and sisters. In honor of those suffering from Lung Cancer, Asthma and COPD. Their added weight and will power to make it up those stairs as a team is unreal to see. beyond memorable. humbling.


Please join my team today.


-------> we really hope to climb right next to you <----------

firefighter and me

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