It's that time of the year again when the website WalletHub ranks 182 of the largest cities in America from the happiest to the least happy. You would think with all the snow we've had lately we would be on the least happy cities, right?
The rankings are based on 31 factors, which are life satisfaction, depression rates, participation in sports, life expectancy, job security, weather, and the number of parks nearby.
According to WalletHub the ten happiest cities are: Plano, Texas, Irvine, California, Madison, Wisconsin, Fremont, California, Huntington Beach, California, Fargo, North Dakota, Grand Prairie, Texas, San Jose, California, Scottsdale, Arizona, and San Francisco, California.
The ten least happy are: Detroit, Toledo, Charleston, West Virginia, Birmingham, Alabama, Cleveland, Gulfport, Mississippi, Little Rock, Arkansas, Huntington, West Virginia, Newark, New Jersey, and Mobile, Alabama.
So where does Minneapolis & St. Paul rank on the list? St. Paul is the 19th happiest city, and Minneapolis is 26! That goes to show that we love Minnesota no matter what the weather is!
You can see the full ranking HERE