One of the hardest parts of getting a dog is thinking about how you're going to cope when they die. But if you've got enough money, and you just so happen to be more than a little CRAZY you could avoid that situation by doing THIS.
According to the Daily Mail, there's a 55-year-old woman named Amy Vangemert in Seattle, and she has a 13-year-old toy poodle named Buhner. She said she couldn't cope with the idea of him dying, so she decided to have him cloned.
And it worked. She paid a company $50,000 to clone him and got three copies back, which she's named Buhner Junior, Baxter, and Ditto.
Amy Vangemert says she plans on continuing to keep making clones of him, so he can live FOREVER.....sort of!
If you want to keep your dog alive a little bit longer, she used a company called ViaGen Pets in Texas. They'll clone a dog for $50,000 and a cat for $25,000, and they were in the last year when Barbra Streisand revealed she used them to clone her dog.