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YUCK! There's How Many Germs In The Back Of A Lyft Or Uber?

You might want to break out the hand sanitizer while you read this. I'm feeling germy just thinking about it. 

According to NetQuote, a new study found the average Uber or Lyft is filled with over 200 times more germs than the average taxi. That's because taxis get cleaned regularly, and Ubers or Lyfts don't. 

I didn't even know that you could measure germs but you can are they are measured in something called CFUs, which stands for "colony-forming units." The average taxi has just under 28,000 CFUs per square inch, compared to over six million for Ubers and Lyfts. Yeah, I'm going to need to go bathe in sanitizer! 

This is how gross it is: Six million is almost three times more bacteria than the average toothbrush holder. And it's over 35,000 times more than you'd find on a toilet seat, which apparently doesn't have that much bacteria.

The germiest spot in an Uber is the button to roll down your window. It has the most bacteria by far. Then your seat belt is next. That's it, the next time I'm taking an Uber or Lyft I'm wearing a hazmat suit! BLAH! 

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