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Walmart Is Going To Offer Straight To Your Fridge Delivery Soon

Whatever happened to going to the grocery store yourself and getting the items that you need? I know there are services where people shop for you like Instacart, and others. Apparently Walmart is taking the grocery shopping experience to a whole nother level! 

Walmart will not only have people grocery shop for you, they'll also go into your house and put your groceries straight in the fridge for you! This past Friday, Walmart announced they will be offering a new groceries delivered straight to your fridge service everywhere by the Fall of 2020. According to Delish, this is how it will work. "A test launch will begin this fall in Pittsburgh; Kansas City, MO; and Vero Beach, FL, with expansion to even more cities in the works. You'll place a grocery order as you normally would and select InHome Delivery and a delivery date when you check out. The delivery people will be trained and vetted Walmart employees who've already worked at a local store for at least one year."

The cost of the groceries will be the same that you pay in store but for them to bring them into your home and put them away for you that is going to cost you a delivery fee. You'll be able to choose if the Walmart worker should enter through the front door or garage, and they will wear cameras and you'll be able to watch the delivery from start to finish.

I for one am a little skeptical about this, who wants a stranger in their house while they aren't home?! NO ONE! I guess we'll see when Walmart finishes testing how this will all play out. I think I'll continue to go to the grocery store, and putting them away myself. 

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