Like all '90s kids I grew up on Nickelodeon cartoons! There was Rugrats, Ren & Stimpy, Doug, Ahhh!! Real Monsters, and my personal favorite Rocko's Modern Life! I'm really convinced that 2019 is the year of Nostalgia. You have old TV shows coming back, businesses are using old logos, basically everything that made your childhood great is coming back.
My childhood has been restored! Rocko's Modern Life is coming to Netflix called, "Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling," on August 9. For those wondering, yes the original series creator is involved as well as the original voice actors! The one-hour TV special according to Screen Rant, "will follow the group as they come back to Earth after being in space for a bit over 20 years (how did they end up there? A rocket ship crashed on Rocko’s house at the end of the last episode of the series, “Future Schlock”). A lot has changed in two decades, and now they have to adapt to an “even more modern life in O-Town”, with “touch-screen-O-phones”, an instant-print kiosk where Rocko’s job, Kind-of-a-Lot-O-Comics, used to be, radioactive energy drinks that turn their consumers into mutants, and much more."
I can't wait to watch this on August 9th and relive my childhood all over again!