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You'll Be Able To Sit Anywhere You Want With This Wearable Chair

How does that saying go, "If I fits, I sits?" That is going to be the case with this wearable chair, it's basically the ultimate Dad gift! A company called Astride Bionix is selling a wearable chair that straps to the back of your legs and butt, and automatically folds out when you sit down. If that's not luxury, I don't know what is!

It's called the LEX chair, and they got funding for it on Kickstarter last year. According to the Guardian, the chairs are sleek and streamlined for wearable furniture. They claim you can do normal activities while you're wearing one.... even running (that seems a bit excessive). Apparently they also promote perfect posture, protect your knees, back, and you'll be able to sit down anywhere!

Now, lets get to how much this wearable chair will cost. They're available for preorder through their website,LexByAstride.com. But they're pretty expensive at $400 EACH. So, for that much... I'm out!

The company's planning to start shipping them in December, just in time for Christmas. Check out a photo of them below.

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