I know I'm only 32, but I have a few gray hairs scattered on my head and few in my beard. Being from Chicago, and a huge Cubs fan, my guess is it's from all the stressful Cubs games throughout the years, and now being in Minnesota, I have Vikings playoff games to thank as well! I think we all know that stress does make you go gray, but why?
Well, according to Time Magazine, scientists at Harvard finally figured it out! Oh good, is there a way we can reverse other than using Just For Men? But seriously, the scientists at Harvard say it has to do with your sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for your "fight or flight" response under stress. That "flight or fight" response when activated can produce a chemical that attacks the cells that color your hair, and when it happens enough times, your hair goes gray for good.
Oh good, so I have the Cubs and Vikings to thank for these gray hairs on my head and beard!