Being from Chicago I know how just how bad the traffic can be, and this might be one way to get around it but it could also get you arrested!
Yesterday afternoon a man was spotted riding a horse on the Dan Ryan expressway in Chicago, according to WGN. The man's name is Adam Hollingsworth and police responded around 4:30 p.m. to a call of him riding his horse, called NuNu, on the freeway.
Hollingsworth rode NuNu on the freeway for about 30 minutes, with Illinois State Police and Chicago police following close behind, as traffic slowed to a halt. Police said they asked Hollingsworth and those with him to exit the expressway multiple times, but they initially refused. Once Hollingsworth exited the freeway he was arrested and charged with reckless conduct, disobeying a police officer and criminal trespass. Video of Hollingsworth riding the horse below!