As we've come to know, emojis have very different meanings than what we think.
According to CNN, two internet-savvy generations have been clashing in videos and comments on TikTok over the millennial culture that are now deemed uncool by Gen Z. The list of things that are uncool includes skinny jeans (Gen Z verdict: set them on fire), side parts (Gen Z verdict: middle part or bust) and perhaps most painful of all, the popular laughing crying emoji that some millennials, myself included, use hundreds of times a day, or more.
Many Gen Zers aren't using any of the laughing emojis because everyone uses them, including us old folks and instead they are using this 💀, which means "I'm Dead." Apparently some Gen Zers are calling the emoji bland, and they preferthe real crying emoji because it shows a more extreme emotion and feels more dramatic.
Well sorry I use the laughing crying emoji a lot and I know I'm not alone because, the website Emojipedia says the laughing crying emoji is still the most used emoji on Twitter. So take that Gen Z!