Who would have thought that you could have a felony charge for not returning a movie to a video store! I mean video stores are obsolete, except for the last Blockbuster in Orgeon. But I thought anyone who had a late charge it just went away... I guess not.
There's a 52-year-old woman named Caron McBride, and she just got married in Texas. But when she went to try to change her last name, there was a problem! Apparently, she had an outstanding felony charge back in her hometown of Norman, Oklahoma, according to Fox in Oklahoma City.
So, Caron looked into it and learned that she had a felony embezzlement charge from 1999, when she rented a VHS tape of "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" from a video store and never returned it! The charges were filed in March of 2000. She told Fox, "I had lived with a young man, he had two kids and I'm thinking he went and got it and didn't take it back or something. I have never watched that show in my entire life. Just not my cup of tea."
So obviously, she has no idea where the tape is and even if she did, it wouldn't help. The video store she rented it from went out of business in 2008. Even though the video store doesn't exist the county still could've decided to prosecute her, but they just announced they're dropping the charges. Now she's going to try to get it expunged.
Apparently she was also let go from a lot of jobs for no reason and this explains it! She said, "Because when they ran my criminal background check, they're seeing those two words: felony embezzlement."