I know a lot of people that are participating in 'Dry January,' and Blue Moon is making sure you stick to that goal with free beer!
Blue Moon is one of the most well-known wheat beers since its inception in 1995 and this year they introduced their Non-Alcohol version so those looking to enjoy the crisp beer with Valencia Orange can still have all the flavor of Blue Moon while keeping their Dry January resolutions. While most people give up their resolutions around this time, the peopole at Blue Moon figured out a way to help you stick it out and fight your urge to sip alcohol-filled frosty brews.
Blue Moon is promising anyone who buys a back of their NA version between now and then end of January a FREE SIX PACK of the original once that calendar flips to February. To get your free six pack, you need to submit your receipts at BlueMoonNonAlcoholic.com. But that’s not all, because Blue Moon tastes better with a slice of orange, they’re even paying for the orange!