It's safe to eat during the eclipse … The solar eclipse is coming up on Monday, giving everyone a few more days to become more informed and to learn about what exactly will and will NOT occur when the moon comes between the sun and earth. One thing that NASA wants to make sure that everyone understands is that it is safe to eat during the eclipse. Apparently there is a ridiculous myth floating around social media suggesting that radiation from the sun will be so high that it will poison any food that's prepared during the solar eclipse. NASA says there is no truth to this myth. So, go ahead and enjoy your solar eclipse-themed foods.
Speaking of the eclipse …
Blinded by the light … Seems a lot of people don’t know that looking at a solar eclipse without eye protection could damage your eyes. According to a survey by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, nearly one-third of Americans don’t know that staring at the sun during an eclipse could damage your vision and even cause blindness. “Survey respondents thought that wearing sunglasses and briefly looking at the sun were safe for the eyes. However, even a few seconds of looking at the sun without proper eye protection can lead to permanent blindness without any warning signs or symptoms, including pain," said Dr. Rajeev Ramchandran, an associate professor of ophthalmology at the University of Rochester.
"Scientific American" posted a three-step test to make sure your eclipse glasses aren't fake. Indoors, you should only be able to see very bright lights. Outdoors, it should be too dark to see trees, or even the ground. Then if they pass both of those tests, take a quick glance at the sun. It should be a sharpedged disk, and looking at it shouldn't feel hard in any way.